Endoscopic lumbar discectomy is a surgical procedure performed on the lower back. It is done when a nerve or spinal cord is compressed or compressed. It is a minimally invasive procedure because only a small incision is required to pass an endoscope through and provide direct visualization through magnified high quality video. Because it is a minimally invasive procedure, there is less surgical trauma and faster recovery than traditional open back surgery.
Lumbar Discectomy Indications
It can be used to treat various conditions such as herniated discs or bulging discs. It may also be recommended for the relief of the following symptoms caused by bulging discs or age-related wear and tear.
Chronic pain that radiates down the leg, lower back, or hip.
Worsening numbness or weakness in your legs.
They have problems with mobility as a result of their condition.
What happens during the procedure?
You may be anesthetized with local or general anesthesia at the discretion of your surgical team. A small incision is made on the side of the back, large enough to allow the endoscope and surgical instruments to enter the disc space. The endoscope's camera transmits a live video to the monitor while the surgery is being performed. The surgeon removes the damaged disc or the necessary portion of disc material that is pressing on the nerve or spine causing the symptoms. Once this is done, the instruments and endoscope are carefully removed and the external incision is closed by suturing. Lumbar endoscopic discectomy takes between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the procedure.
After the surgery is over, you will be moved to the recovery room where you will continue to be observed and monitored until you wake up from the anesthesia.
